NVA Submissions

Work submitted for this competition includes every kind of thing a designer creates—even if they are slightly outside the norms of work done in your field. Graphic design, packaging design, industrial design, product design, type design, illustration, animation, exhibition design, wayfinding design, and more. There are no parameters except that you must have created the work.

Judging Criteria

This year, we’ll be awarding 21 trophies to winners across three core designations. Each entry will be reviewed and evaluated based on three criteria: originality, innovation, and overall execution.

All 20 winners from both 15 under 20 and 5 under over 30 will compete for the prestigious title of People's New Visual Artists. This top-tier designation is determined by our online audience through a community voting platform. The voting period will be open for 2 weeks, during which one winner will be selected by the PRINT design community as the People’s New Visual Artist.

What you’ll need to Enter

Entrant will submit:

About Me Page (submit a URL link to your about me page)

15 Under 30 - Minimum of 5 projects. You will submit a link to each project.

5 Over 30 - Minimum of 8 projects. You will submit a link to each project.

Social Links required: Linkedin. Make sure your Linkedin profile is up-to-date

Editorial Coverage, other awards or accolades (optional and you will need to provide url links)

You Must Answer the Following Questions:

Why you’re nominating yourself for NVA - Up to 750 words

What impact you’d like to leave with in design - Up to 750 words

Ready to get started?

Our guide is designed to help you through the process of entering New Visual Artists.