Calling all: Graphic designers, illustrators, type designers, animators, in-house or solo—we want to frame your work for the world to see.

With PRINT’s New Visual Artists showcase, we’re on a mission to find tomorrow’s design leaders today—and it’s a mission we’ve been on for more than two decades. Originally launched in 1998 as PRINT’s 20 Under 30 shortlist, the NVA alumni roster is now a veritable who’s who of design innovation and leadership, from Eddie Opara and Alan Dye to Jessica Hische and Zipeng Zhu.

It doesn’t matter what you create, where you went to school or where you’re employed. A brilliant portfolio wins the day—and at the end of the day, we bring your work to a massive global audience of art directors, hiring managers, conference organizers, and all manner of decision-makers in between. We’ve seen the real-world impact that the NVA program has had on careers, and it’s a program we deeply believe in. Which is why we’re bringing it back—and in all-new ways.

What does it mean to receive this type of accolade so young? Most of us will never know, but the advantages are clear: Lots of exposure, bigger opportunities, public acclaim.

Kim Dulaney
NVA Recepient, 2011

“I always want to keep my style, yet still compliment the product or subject I’m advertising. Sometimes my work is too arty’ for clients, but I’m stubborn. It’s hard to tame my design at times.”

Zipeng Zhu
NVA Recepient, 2014

“[I hope] to get into more different industries. I’d love to do more videos, furniture and exhibitions— anything new and fun and challenging.”

Frame your career. Forge the future. Enter PRINT’s all-new NVAs today.